Saturday 28 April 2007



Text: Gen. 3:1-6 Deut 28:1-68


Disobedience is characteristic of the devil and his kingdom whereas Obedience is an attribute of the believer


What is disobedience?

a. Disobedience is to do those things that God will not have us do

Lev 18:3

  1. to do those things that are contrary to the will/ expectations of God

    Ge 11:1-9

  2. to be what God doesn't want us to be

    1 Kings 13; 2 Chron 26:17-19

  3. to do those things that are not sanctioned/commanded by God

    Lev 10:1-2

  4. to be where God doesn't want us to be

    1 kings 19:9



  1. Adam and Cain

    Ge 3:1-6; 4:9-12

  2. Noah's generation

    Ge 6:5-8

  3. Noah's children: Babel

    Ge 11:1-9

  4. Moses at the waters of meribah

    Nu 20:7-12


Who are we to obey

  1. Husbands

    Eph 5:22

  2. Parents

    Eph 6:1-2

  3. civil authorities/ Government e.g. church council

    1 Pet. 2:13-14

  4. whosoever is placed above us

    Rom 13:1-7

Why should we be obedient?

  1. to be disobedient/ to resist is to resist God

    Rom 13:2

  2. to avoid damnation

    Mk 16:16; Rom 13:2; 1 Tim 5:12

  3. to avoid wrath and evil conscience

    Rom 13:5; 14:23; Rom 2:15

  4. disobedience leads to death and curses

    Dt 28:45


  1. Miriam

    Nu 12:1-15

  2. Rechabites

    Jer 35:5-6

  3. Israel

    Nu 14:40-45

  4. Korah

    Nu 16:1-35


Effects of disobedience:

  1. Blindness

    Gen. 3:6,7

  2. Nakedness and false pride

    Gen. 3:7

  3. Separation from God

    Gen. 3:8,10,22-24

  4. Curses and sorrow

    Gen. 3:14-19

  5. Enmity

    Gen. 3:15

  6. Death

    Gen. 3:19

  7. Hardships

Gen. 3:17-19

  1. Fear and shame

Gen. 3:8,10

  1. Degradation

    Gen. 3:18,19; 1:29-30


Above all…

All disobedience is sin and all sins originate from disobedience, disobedience oftentimes than not comes when we fall into temptation.

To obey is better than sacrifice.


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