The oxford advanced learners dictionary defined retreat as moving away from a place or an enemy because you are in danger or because you have been defeated. Alternatively as, escaping to a place that is quieter or safer.
A spiritual retreat means to come apart from day to day activities for the purpose of seeking the face of God. It means leaving the noises of everyday living so as to hear God more clearly and accurately. It is a time set apart to dwell in the presence of God, to wait upon him, commune with him, and receive instructions and guidance from him or to set a particular request before him, and generally to get closer to Him. Waiting on God implies coming into His presence to listen to, and do His bidding.
Examples: Jesus our example came into the world to show us the way back to God and we are enjoined to follow after his footsteps
Kinds of retreats:
1. Retreat at the command of God:
Ex 24:12-18; Lk 4:1-2
2. Retreat at will
Lk 6:12; Josh 7:6
a) Personal or private retreats:
b) Group or family retreats.
Mk 14:32-42; Gen. 32:22-31
Reasons for a retreat
1. Retreat to seek guidance / revelation from God:
1 Kings 19:3-18; Josh 7:4-12; Daniel 2:16-19
2. To seek the manifestation of God's promise:
1 kings 18:41-46
3. To seek divine enablement concerning a project or God's intervention in an event:
2 Chro 20:2-19; Mt. 4:1-2
4. To seek Gods will/ direction when making a choice:
Lk 6:12-13
5. To seek God's active participation in an event/project:
Exo. 17:8-13
6. Thanksgiving after a victory:
Mk 1:32-37
7. To seek transformation/ change in life style or a situation.
Mk 9:1-4
8. To rest, relax in Gods presence, alone with him.:
Mk 6:30-32
1. Patience (Waiting in retreats)
Ex 24:16; Josh 7:6; Lk 2:25-32
2. Persistence in retreats
Ex 33:12-23; Isa 62:1,6-7; Luke 11:5-13; 18:1
3. Preparation (Preparing for a retreat.)
Job 11:13-15; Heb 10:22
Before fighting a war the men of this world would go to extreme lengths to prepare for the war, soldiers will be trained, equipments and machineries will be designed built and tested, plans will be made so as to be able to win the war.
There was a fellow who went for a retreat and the question God asked him was: last week you were to meet with the president of your country to present a particular matter to him, but before you did you made sure to prepare yourself, but today you came into my presence without any preparation. Go back and prepare yourself then come.
If we don't come prepared for meeting with God we could easily be side-tracked by other things and hence not achieve our aim for the retreat. We may also run into the danger of wasting the whole time doing what is not profitable
What is your aim or what do you want to achieve what are the things you want to ask for.
It would be a good idea to prepare your prayer points beforehand based on scripture which you know are God's will for you.
4. Timing (When to go for a retreat)
When God demands it
When situation demands it
When you feel like it
5. Length (How long):
as long as you are lead to do or you are able to do. Acts 1:12
One minute,
A day
All night: Luke 6:12
Life long: Lk 2:36-38
Exodus 24:18; 32:1; 34:28
6. Location: (Where?)
Preferably a quiet place. The purpose of a retreat is to be alone with God or to be in the presence of God with a group of people, hence anyplace where this cannot be achieved is not suitable.
A friend's house, a B&B or hotel, your own house if possible can be used.
I have known people who have used the jungle, or the seaside beaches as a retreat centre.
John 7:53-8:2; Luke 22:39-40
7. Resources: What is needed?
What you need basically depends on the type of retreat and the location of the retreat. If you are using a friend's house and your retreat doesn't include fasting or it is a type that you break at intervals, you will do well to make provisions for your feeding. Don't be a burden on your host!
1 Sam 3:2-11
Notebook and writing materials,
Quiet place,
Hymn book,
8. Results;
Retreat is result oriented, planning and strict execution of plans, obedience to Gods will and commands will ensure a good result. What are the results we expect from a retreat:
Mk 9:1-4; Ex 34:29-35
After the retreat:
1. God may have spoken to you or you may have decided on some course of action or the other, hopefully you would have it written down, Confirm this by recourse to the word of God, God will not ask anything of you that will contradict his word.
2. You may also seek counsel of other more experienced/older believers who you know are spirit filled and working in the will of God.
3. Decide to put into action the command of the lord and your decisions to obey.
Do you think that the battle is over? Be aware that the devil knowing that God has blessed us through the will seek to pull you down and steal away the blessings of God. He will fight as much as he can to do this.
1 Chro 14:8; 2 Chro 31:20 - 2 Chro 32:1
Further reading:
1. Biblical prayer and fasting. By R.D. Flory
2. The ministry of fasting. Zacharias Fomum
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